Picking up where Mother Nature left off
Artist inspired and custom designed wood pieces to enhance your home's beauty
Artist inspired and custom designed wood pieces to enhance your home's beauty
I am the artist of ScoGo Woodworking. While I never thought of pursuing woodworking as a career (many years ago), one of my most cherished possessions is a lamp I turned on the lathe in 8th grade shop class. When I was a fulltime IT professional, I missed the creativity and the sense of accomplishment of having made something beautiful, and that has returned me to woodworking.
I have a passion for finding natural beauty in wood and transforming that into artwork.
I currently teach woodturning classes for the City of Columbus Recreation and Parks program; as well, I have displayed in several galleries.
I am currently not in any gallery, and I apologize for not selling my products online - it is simply too difficult to keep an accurate online inventory in conjunction with my traveling inventory. However, if you click on the gallery or shopping links, you can see many of the pieces I have created. If you are interested in anything, contact me to see if it might still be available and/or if I have anything similar.
All of my pieces are wood based, primarily using only natural colors of the wood. There is a Japanese phrase - wabi-sabi. It represents a comprehensive Japanese world view or aesthetic centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete". I find the innate splendor in the wood and include the burls and knots. Sometimes, this may make the object functionally unusable, for example as a bowl; artistically, however, the outcome is the only one of its kind. The beauty of the object will far outweigh the functionality every time.
I have been known to pull off to the side of the road to pick up a log or an interesting looking piece of wood. Knowing that something beautiful is hidden in that log, I will often look at it for months just to decide how I want to change it and bring out that beauty. Mother Nature has spent years on the beauty – I pick up where she left off.
Thank you to the Greater Columbus Arts Council for supporting artists of all types in Central Ohio.
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